Authentication, Access Control and Auditing

Armor is a high performance authentication and access control manager that improves the quality and reliability of UNIX user name and password authentication, password management, and auditing. Armor can protect a single host, or Armor can act as a network security server that provides system access control for a network of client workstations including X-terminals and notebooks.

Armor provides extensive password quality checking and enforces password aging; It limits excessive invalid login attempts and will lock an account after a break-in attempt. To protect idle workstations, Armor can automatically lock the screen after a specified idle time.

Armor improves computer operations efficiency and security by allowing a designated ôHelp Deskö group to change passwords and lock or unlock accounts without requiring the root access password. Armor provides centralized control and auditing of access to all systems. It also provides production reports from its centralized audit file and databases to assist security administrators, auditors, and system administrators.

Armor has the performance and fault tolerance necessary to serve enterprise wide networks.

Armor supports Sun OS 4.x and Solaris 2.x operating systems.

Armor Feature Highlights
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Los Altos Technologies, Inc.
20813 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 275
Cupertino, CA 95014-2107
Phone (800) 999-UNIX, (408) 973-7700
Fax (408) 973-7707

UniShred Pro is a trademark of Los Altos Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Last Update: 9/16/96